
Posts Tagged ‘Mexico’

RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #186 (6/8/2024): Maldives n’ Mexico

airs June 8, 2024 on Dave’s Gone By. watch here: https://davesgoneby.net/?p=83337  

I am mmmmarveling at the news this week involving two countries with mmmmarkedly different responses to the mmmmadness in the Mmmmiddle East. I am talking about the Maldives and Mexico. One of them is meretricious, the other marvelous. 

So as the patient says to the doctor: “Bad news first.” The Maldives. It even has “mal,” a prefix meaning “bad,” in its own name. What are the Maldives? They’re a teeny Republic in South Asia, about 115 square miles of land with the rest in the Indian Ocean. And considering all the things Indians do in the ocean, it’s best not to drink the water. Or visit the Maldives. 

Not that you could visit the Maldives right now if you were an Israeli. President Mohamed Muizzu — who belongs in a zoo — has banned anyone with an Israeli passport from entering the country, this in response to the war in Gaza. Why any Jew would visit this place in the first place is a puzzlement. Maldives is a country so Muslim that the practice of any other religion is forbidden by law. This is also a land that not only prohibits homosexuality but reprimands anybody kissing or even holding hands in public. So, basically, if you wonder what the Bahamas or Aruba would be like if they took away the fun and relaxation and replaced it with totalitarian jihad, you’ve got the Maldives. 

In 2023 about 5,000 Jews visited the various Maldive islands. Maybe they were Orthodox and appreciated the modest-clothing rules and pork-free eating. Maybe they just wanted to watch other Semites inflict suffering on themselves for once instead of being tormented by others. Even prior to this ban, only 500 Yids Maldived themselves this year, and one hopes that goyim, in solidarity with Israel, will put Maldives on their “fuck-it” list. But hey, there’s sand and palm trees and, thanks to climate change, more and more and more water. It’s an Arcadia—and a perfect spot to relocate a few thousand displaced Palestinians! What? Dr. Muizzu? Not returning their calls? Well, at least you support them in theory. 

But what gives me joy in reality is the result of a Presidential election held this week in Mexico. Replacing current honcho Andrés Manuel López Obrador is someone with a shorter name, thank God, but also a highly promising name. Winning a landslide victory is Mexico’s first female leader and first Jewish leader: Claudia Sheinbaum! I’m not kidding — Claudia Sheinbaum! Her heritage is a mix of Ashkenazic Lithuanian and Sephardic Bulgarian, and she’s a scientist with a PhD—a Jewish doctor will be running Mexico!

They should get her to deal with climate change in the Maldives because she’s an expert—she was part of a Nobel Prize-winning UN think tank on the topic—and she’s pro-choice, pro LGBT, big on mass transit and bicycle paths—yeah, she’s kind of a lefty. And a landsman. 

The cheeriest aspect of this political event is that despite Jews being despised seemingly everywhere in the world, Mexicans looked beyond that and picked a Shein-a maidel! She was the outgoing president’s choice, and because the peso has been in decent shape, and because the drug cartels have been killing only every third tourist, voters are giving Sheiny the sheeny a shot.

Please let us support her by purchasing all things Mexican: jumping beans, refried beans, bootleg t-shirts of Mr. Bean. Also, spend your vacation dollars South of the Border. And I don’t mean getting a pubic wax, I mean Guadalajara, Cancun, Oaxaca, Acapulco, and lest we forget, charming Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl.

Oh, my friends, we are forever asking: Is it good for the Jews? If Judaism has taught us anything, it’s that things can change in a blink. But right now: viva México! And Maldives? ¡Vete a la mierda! 

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York. ¡Arriba!

(c)2024 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

—> https://shalomdammit.wordpress.com/2024/06/05/rabbi-sol-solomons-rabbinical-reflection-186-6-8-2024-maldives-n-mexico-lefkowitz/

–> https://davelefkowitzwriting.wordpress.com/2024/06/06/non-fiction-essay-humorous-rabbi-sol-solomons-rabbinical-reflection-186-6-8-2024-maldives-n-mexico-lefkowitz/

–> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=83337

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PLAY: Comedy Sketch: Mugged


© 1984 by David Lefkowitz

SETTING: Somewhere on the Mexican side of the borer.

MR. X: How much for the mug?


MR X: The mug, how much is it?

EL SENOR Y: You American?

MR. X: Yes, I want to buy this souvenir, you see? It’s a mug with a picture of Xochimilco on it.

EL SENOR Y: Tourist?

MR. X: Well, I guess.

EL SENOR Y: Twenty-five dollar.

MR. X: What?

EL SENOR Y: Twenty-two dollar.

MR. X: This isn’t handmade.

EL SENOR Y: Twenty dollar.

MR. X: This was obviously made on an assembly line and not made by hand.

EL SENOR X: Assembly line made by hand!

MR. X: That’s as may be, I still wouldn’t pay a penny over five dollars for it.

EL SENOR Y: Senor, I am wounded!

MR. X: Oh, stop it.

EL SENOR Y: Who was it who say, ehm, como se dice, “Americans know price of everything but value of nothing?”

MR. X: I think it was Laurence Tisch . . .

EL SENOR Y: Tisch? Lorenzo Tisch?

MR. X: You know him?

EL SENOR Y: Tisch is, ehm . . . NYU!

MR. X: Right! NYU!

EL SENOR Y: Si! I study there!

MR X: Really? What?

EL SENOR Y: Comparative Lit.

MR. X: No kidding!

EL SENOR Y: Si! Latin and Chinese. You from NYU?

MR. X: Si! NYU, si!

EL SENOR Y: Ho! Forty dollar.

MR. X: Now, you’re — what?

EL SENOR Y: Forty dollar, no check, please.

MR. X: What about Tisch, comparative lit, NYU?

EL SENOR Y: One semester from degree, financial aid: Pfftth! Bastardos!

MR. X: Look, I’m very sorry, but it’s not my fault.

EL SENOR Y: Thirty-five dollar.

MR. X: I’ll give you ten, and that’s my final offer.

EL SENOR Y: I spit on your ten dollar! Tui!

MR. X: Jesus, who was your advisor

EL SENOR: Mr. American University Person, I be very busy, so . . .

MR. X: All right. Twelve fifty.

EL SENOR: Fifteen! And even then, you’re a liar and a Jew!

MR. X: Deal.

EL SENOR Y: Here. Vayate.

MR. X: Aren’t you even going to wrap it?

EL SENOR Y: Do not try my patience, Senor. I have killed people for less than this.

MR. X: Okay, no problem. Have a nice day, adios.

EL SENOR Y: Adios, Senor.

(Exit Mr. X)

EL SENOR Y: Mugs! Two dollar. Xochimilco mugs, two dollar! Two dollar!


What a fun piece of juvenilia, if I do say so myself! The header on the long-lost file of this piece shows that I wrote it as an example of “Dialogue” for a Text Analysis class I was taking at—where else?—NYU in October 1984, when I first began my master’s in playwriting there. How on earth this assignment would have tied in to analyzing Shakespeare and Lanford Wilson is unfathomable to me now, but I liked the professor, B. Rodney Marriott. He was tied to Circle Rep and was (I guess) taking a broad approach to the subject matter in the class and allowing us to flap our wings a bit as writers.

No question I had John Cleese (and possibly Andrew Sachs’s Manuel) in my head when penning this skit. And I assume that at the time I wrote it, students at NYU were having difficulty keeping financial aid and managing the high costs of a college education. Thank goodness those issues have been ameliorated in the passing years.

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